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Frequently Asked Questions



如果您有任何疑问,请联系招生部门或项目办公室. We will be happy to answer your questions.



Yes, but you must meet all the required prerequisites, 包括在被录取之前完成学士学位. 在该计划的专业阶段,没有先决条件课程. 


Do I need to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)?

In an effort to reduce obstacles to the application process, we have elected to remove the GRE as a requirement. 


What is the admissions process?

LMU-SMS's Physician Assistant Program is a participant of CASPA. 你可以在四月份开始接受申请材料的时候申请CASPA. Completed applications are reviewed as they are received. 我们会尽快通知申请人有关面试的选择. 面试后,我们将在四到六周内通知申请人有关录取决定. 


Do I need to have a background check prior to attending LMU-SMS?

Yes, 所有被PA项目录取的学生在被完全录取之前都必须进行背景调查. 


Will I need a drug screen before admission to the PA Program?

如果您被接受进入PA计划,您必须进行“尿液10 PANEL”药物筛选. 临床轮转期间的医院地点也可能需要相同的小组. 学生将负责获得药物筛选并支付费用。. 



只有被招生人员和委员会选中的申请人才会接受面试. 面试将于9月开始,在指定日期对选定的申请人进行. 重要的是要注意,只有具有完整文件的申请人才会被考虑参加面试. 有关录取标准和流程的更多信息,请访问 PA Harrogate Admissions


What does it mean if I am put on the alternate list?

最初未被LMU-SMS PA计划录取的候选人可能会被列入备选名单. 招生委员会在整个招生周期中定期审查备选名单上的候选人的申请,并重新考虑LMU-SMS PA计划的录取通知书. 这些候选人将在他们面试的队列入学之前收到最终录取通知. 



实习包括观察私人助理或其他卫生专业人员,并为申请人提供一个机会,以增加他们对私人助理和卫生保健专业的角色的理解. Applicants are required 至少有40小时可验证的直接跟随医师助理, 其中至少有20个小时直接跟随初级保健机构的医师助理(家庭医学), Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, or Emergency/Urgent Care Medicine). 


Will I be able to work while a student in the program?

私人助理课程强烈反对在参加课程的同时工作. PA项目是一个密集的教学和临床教育项目,平均每周至少需要40到50个小时, in addition to study, laboratory, and other activities. 大多数学生发现,如果他们试图工作,他们就无法在学业上取得成功. During the clinical year, 由于临床设置所需的小时数,学生不允许工作, including on-call. 学员在培训过程中,任何时候都不得代替教职员. 


Is housing available?
Campus housing is available to PA students. Housing is also available in the community. 实习期间,学生将负责自己的住宿.


Is financial aid available?
申请人被录取后,将提供经济援助信息. For more information, visit Student Financial Services.


Can I visit LMU to see the program?

Yes, we periodically conduct program information sessions. 请随时打电话给我们了解这些课程的时间表, which will include information about curriculum, admissions, a facility tour, and a chance to interact with faculty. 


Am I able to attend the program part-time?

No, the PA Program is full-time and has 27 continuous months. 


Do you have an orientation for new students?

Yes, 我们在项目开始时为那些被录取的学生进行新生培训. 



All parts of the completed application are given consideration. 招生委员会看的是累积成绩和理科平均成绩, reference letters, responses to questions in the application, and the interview evaluation report. 招生委员会还会评估申请人成为医师助理的愿望, evidence of academic potential, motivation, personal maturity, self-assurance, and good interpersonal skills. 


Can I apply if I haven't completed all the prerequisite courses?

Yes, 前提是在你被录取的预期入学前的学期末或学期末,你将以“C”或更高的成绩成功完成所有的先决课程. 如果/当被邀请参加面试时,申请人必须提供完成先决条件课程的计划文件. 


Do you accept transfer credits toward the PA program?

不,我们不接受转学分或经验学习学分的PA项目. No advanced placement is granted. 所有学生必须完成整个27个月的硕士学位课程. 


Where are the clinical education sites?

在田纳西州和肯塔基州有许多临床教育站点. 该项目还在佛罗里达州和德克萨斯州建立了核心站点. 学生可以期望在他们的临床年旅行到一个或多个这些核心站点. 学生自己负责住宿、交通和膳食. 


Will I have any input into where my clinical rotations will be?

学生由临床教育主任分配到临床轮岗. Students will have input into this process, but ultimately, 临床教育主任将根据学生的技能和知识水平,把他们安排在能够获得最佳经验的地方. 在获得项目批准后,学生将能够选择他们的选修轮岗地点. 


How do I contact the Admissions Office?

LMU-SMS PA Admissions Office
800.325.0900, ext. 6691 (toll-free)
423.869.6691 (direct)